

9月. 30, 2011
12.   承诺和或有事项


与1997年收购WCBB物业剩余50%的权益有关, 公司承担了卖方(雪佛龙)出资约18美元的义务,到2004年3月为止,每月可领取5万英镑, 从3月11日开始的20年内,每年至少要封堵20口井, 1997. Chevron retained a security interest in production from these properties until abandonment obligations to Chevron have been fulfilled. 从2009年开始, 公司可以使用信托基金来支付与该物业相关的封堵和废弃费用, 尽管它还没有这样做. 截至2011年9月30日,封堵和弃井信托费用总计约为312.1万美元. 9月30日, 2011, 自1997年开始封堵计划以来,该公司已经封堵了WCBB的311口井, 管理层认为哪一个能够完成目前最低限度的堵塞义务.


The Louisiana Department of Revenue ("LDR") is disputing Gulfport's severance tax payments to the State of Louisiana from the sale of oil under fixed price contracts during the years 2005 to 2007. LDR坚持认为,格尔夫波特支付了大约1美元,800,000 less in severance taxes under fixed price terms than the severance taxes Gulfport would have had to pay had it paid severance taxes on the oil at the contracted market rates only. Gulfport has denied any liability to the LDR for underpayment of severance taxes and has maintained that it was entitled to enter into the fixed price contracts with unrelated third parties and pay severance taxes based upon the proceeds received under those contracts. 格尔夫波特保留了对州政府提出的任何最终评估或征收诉讼进行抗辩的权利. 2009年4月20日,LDR在15日提起诉讼th 司法区域法院, 拉斐特教区, 在路易斯安那州起诉格尔夫波特,要求赔偿2美元,275,729美元的遣散税, 加上利息和诉讼费. Gulfport filed a response denying any liability to the LDR for underpayment of severance taxes and is defending itself in the lawsuit. The LDR had taken no further action on this lawsuit since filing its petition two years ago until recently when it propounded discovery requests to which Gulfport has responded.

2010年12月, the LDR filed two identical lawsuits against Gulfport in different venues to recover allegedly underpaid severance taxes on crude oil for the period January 1, 2007年至12月31日, 2010, 连同律师费的索赔. 这些请愿书没有对损害赔偿或未缴税款提出任何具体要求. 与2009年LDR提起的第一起诉讼一样, 格尔夫波特否认了所有责任,并将积极为诉讼辩护. 这些案件还处于早期阶段,格尔夫波特尚未对最近的诉讼作出回应. 最近,在格尔夫波特公司提出任何回应诉状之前,LDR提出了暂停诉讼的动议. The LDR has advised Gulfport that it intends to pursue settlement discussions with Gulfport and other similarly situated defendants in separate proceedings.

2006年11月,Cudd Pressure Control, 公司. (“Cudd”)对格尔夫波特提起了诉讼, 大白压力控制有限责任公司(“大白”)和六名前Cudd员工在哈里斯县第129司法区, 德州. 该诉讼随后被转移到美国德克萨斯州南区地方法院(休斯顿分院)。. The lawsuit alleged RICO violations and several other causes of action relating to Great White's employment of the former Cudd employees and sought unspecified monetary damages and injunctive relief. 经双方约定, 2月14日,法院无偏见地驳回了原告的RICO索赔, 2007. 2007年10月5日,格尔夫波特公司提出了简易判决动议. 法院作出了有利于所有被告的最终中间判决, 包括格尔夫波特, 4月8日, 2008. 2008年11月3日,Cudd向美国法院提起上诉.S. 第五巡回上诉法院. 第五巡回法院撤销了地区法院的判决, 除此之外, 地方法院不应该在不允许更多证据发现的情况下进行简易判决. 这个案子被发回地方法院审理, Cudd提出了一项动议,要求将案件发回原州法院, 哪个动议被批准了?. 2月3日, 2010, Cudd filed its second amended petition with the state court (a) alleging that Gulfport conspired with the other defendants to misappropriate, 并盗用了Cudd的商业机密,导致其员工违反了受托责任, (b)寻求未指明的金钱损害赔偿. 4月13日, 2010, 格尔夫波特提出的因缺乏属人管辖权而被驳回的动议被驳回. 州法院的诉讼程序还在初级阶段. 2011年,双方继续进行书面发现和制作文件的工作. 2011年2月15日,Cudd提交了第三次修正诉讼,要求赔偿26美元.5 million (based on a report prepared by its expert) plus disgorgement of $6 million in payments by Great White to the individual defendants and 惩罚性损害赔偿. 格尔夫波特否认了这些关于自己的说法. 最近, the parties began the process of scheduling and taking additional depositions and it is anticipated that the case will remain in the discovery phase for at least the next several months.

7月30日, 2010, six individuals and one limited liability company sued 15 oil and gas companies in Cameron Parish Louisiana for contamination across the surface of where the defendants operated in an action entitled 里德等人. v. BP美国生产公司等., 第38司法区. No. 10-18714. 原告要求损害赔偿的原始请愿书, 没有将格尔夫波特列为被告, 原告的财产位于卡梅伦教区, Louisiana within the Hackberry oil field is contaminated as a result of historic oil and gas exploration and production activities. 原告声称被告进行了, directed and participated in various oil and gas exploration and production activities on their property which allegedly have contaminated or otherwise caused damage to the property, 并起诉被告涉嫌破坏石油, 天然气和矿产租赁, 以及涉嫌疏忽, 侵权行为, 未能发出警告, 严格责任, 惩罚性损害赔偿, 租赁负债, 合同责任, 不公正的浓缩, 修复损坏, 评估和应对成本以及污名化损害. 12月7日, 2010, Gulfport was served with a copy of the plaintiffs' first supplemental and amending petition which added four additional plaintiffs and six additional defendants, 包括格尔夫波特, 被告总数达到21人. 它还将诉讼中涉及的总面积从240英亩增加到大约1英亩,700英亩. 除了原诉状中要求的损害赔偿之外, the plaintiffs now also seek: damages sufficient to cover the cost of conducting a comprehensive environmental assessment of all present and yet unidentified pollution and contamination of their property; the cost to restore the property to its pre-polluted original condition; damages for mental anguish and annoyance, discomfort and inconvenience caused by the nuisance created by defendants; land loss and subsidence damages and the cost of backfilling canals and other excavations; damages for loss of use of land and lost profits and income; attorney fees and expenses and damages for evaluation and remediation of any contamination that threatens groundwater. 除了格尔夫波特,目前的被告还包括埃克森美孚石油公司、美孚勘探公司 & 生产北美公司.雪佛龙U.S.A. 公司., 苏必利尔石油公司, 加州联合石油公司, BP美国生产公司, 暴风雨石油公司, 公司.,康菲石油公司,大陆石油公司,WM. T. 伯顿工业公司.美国,自由港硫磺公司,鹰石油公司.S. 路易斯安那州石油公司&美国石油公司和帝国土地公司. 特拉华. 1月21日, 2011, Gulfport filed a pleading challenging the legal sufficiency of the petitions on several grounds and requesting that they either be dismissed or that plaintiffs be required to amend such petitions. 针对格尔夫波特的诉状以及其他被告的类似诉状, 原告提交了第三份修正请愿书,并附有证据,扩大了对争议财产的描述, 附上大量航空照片,并确定有争议的矿产租赁. 在回应, 格尔夫波特和众多被告再次提出诉状,质疑请愿书的法律充分性. 5月25日,法院听取了被告对原告诉状提出质疑的部分理由, 2011年被拒绝. 截至2011年10月28日,法院尚未就其裁决作出判决. 一旦发生, the defendants will have 30 days to file a supervisory writ with the apellate court seeking to overturn the lower court's ruling. 许多被告质疑原告诉状的其他理由尚未得到法院的审理. 预计该案件的发现阶段将在未来几个月内变得更加活跃.

由于目前处于上述诉讼阶段, 结果体育平台是不确定的,管理层无法确定损失的金额, 如果有任何, 这可能会导致. 诉讼本质上体育平台是不确定的. Adverse decisions in one or more of the above matters could have a material adverse effect on the Company's financial condition or results of operations.

该公司已被指定为其他各种诉讼事项的被告. The ultimate resolution of these matters is not expected to have a material adverse effect on the Company's financial condition or results of operations for the periods presented in the consolidated financial statements.